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Destroy that boy !


Destroy that boy !

more girls with guitars
Publication - Editeur

2009 - Socadisc

Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Don't you think it's fine / Project X
No / Toni McCann
(I'm not your) Steeping stone (demo) / The Pivots
I've been workin' on you (demo version) / The Feminine Complex
He's about a mover / The Livebirds
Shakin' all over / Raylene & The Blue Angels
Climb that tree / She Trinity
He fought the law / She Trinity
The Beatles are in town / The Fondettes
You turn my head around / Ann-Margret
Hear you talking / Beverley Jones with The Prestons
That's my guy / Cheryll & Pam
It's a nice world to visit (but not to live in) / Ann-Margret
Fraternity, USA / The Lady Bugs
Tell me / The Termites
Talking about you / The Livebirds
You don't love me / The Starlets
He's something else / The Livebirds
Here I am in love again / The Girls
Baby, I dig love / The What Four
Shake a tail feather / The Debutantes
I'm gonna destroy that boy / The What Four
You just gotta know my mind / Karen Verros
Hold on / Sharon Tandy