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Queen of rock'n'roll


Queen of rock'n'roll

Publication - Editeur

2009 - Socadisc

Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Love you till I die
Just a little
Kansas City
Is it true
Anybody but me
Rock-a-bye baby blues
Let the four winds blow
Weep no more my baby
Let's jump the broomstick
Ring-a-my phone
Bill Bailey, won't you please come home ?
Dum dum
Crazy talk
Sweet nothin's
Rock the bop
That's all you gotta do
My baby likes western guys
Little Jonah (Rock on your steel guitar)
Hummin' the blues over you
Talkin' 'bout you
Here comes that feelin'
One step at a time
Jambalaya (On the bayou)
What'd I say
Bigelow 6-200
The Stroll