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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Techno anthology


Techno anthology

Publication - Editeur

2015 - Wagram

Collection :
The Electronic music anthology
Importance matérielle :
4 CD
Meet her at the Love Parade / Da Hool
Mile high gang / Patrice Bäumel
One two three (No gravity) / Closer Musik
Love dose (Luciano remix) / Argy
Arquipelago / Gui Boratto
Drei auf Drei 2 / Sascha Funke
Shiny disco balls (main mix) / Who Da Funk feat Jessica Eve
Let the beat control your body / Brodinski feat Louisahhh!
When we come to it / Tim Deluxe
Don't think too much / Superpitcher
Lost thought part 1 / Popof
Donnerkuppel / Robag Wruhme
Domino / Oxia
Higher state of consciousness / Josh Wink
Kill 100 (Carl Craig remix) / X-Press 2 feat Rob Harvey
17 & 4 (Auftrieb remix) / Michael Mayer
Rise from your grave (Wild Pitch remix) / Phuture
Take that / Jürgen Paape
Dark flower (Joris Voorn remix) / Robert Babicz
A.S.P. 2 / Reinhard Vogt
Erotic discourse (Green Velvet edit) / Paul Woolford & Bobby Peru
Taïga / Joachim Pastor
Can you relate (Anja Schneider out of Berlin remix) / Samuel L Session
Funk-a-tron / Robbie Rivera
Air rider / Kaito
Tell me why (Danny Daze remix) / Terranova feat Stereo MC's
Plein ciel / N'TO
Stomp / Luke Slater
Aurora borealis (Laurent Garnier's laboratoire mix) / Aurora Borealis
The Bomb / Phil Kieran
The Wolf / Dave Clark
Toi / Worakls
Witch doktor / Armand Van Helden
Lydia / Dauwd
The Heat (Joy Orbison remix) / Jungle
Track 2 / Percy X
Loverboy / Steve Bug
Loud places (John Talabot's loud synths reconstruction) / Jamie XX feat Romy
Silence / DJ Tomcraft
Star 69 (What the F**K) / Fatboy Slim
Pulvertum / Niels Van Gogh
Alpha / Scan X
Call the shots (Motor City Drum ensemble remix) / Art Of Tones feat Jaw
All that matters / Kölsch feat Troels Abrahamsen
Deep musique (Trus'me remix) / Pastaboys feat Osunlade
Air conditionné / Julian Jeweil
Human nature / Sweet Drop
Firestarter / The Prodigy
Sweat (on the walls) / John Tejada
From Buleaux (Konrad Black remix) / Martini Bros
In the car crash / Swayzak
Wake up / Laurent Garnier