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TV sound and image


TV sound and image

british television, film and library composers 1956-80
Publication - Editeur

2012 - Differ-Ant

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Down home / Nick Ingman
Man friday / Syd Dale
Hard hitter / Keith Papworth
Man alive / The Tony Hatch Sound
The Avengers = Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir / Johnny Gregory
Fiesta numero uno / The Marybelone Orchestra
Steam heat / Barbara Moore
Folk song / James Clarke
Face up / Alan Moorhouse
Get Carter / Roy Budd
The Contract man / Bullet
Condition red / Barry Stoller
Spiral / The Harry Roche Constellation
Soul thing / Keith Mansfield
Death line / Wil Malone
Jaguar / John Gregory
Three days of the Condor / Geoff Love
Huckleberry fine / Syd Dale
Fragment of fear / Johnny Harris
Strike rich / Reg Tilsey
Angels / Alan Parker
Echo four-two / Laurie Johnson
Son of soul / Birds 'n' Brass
Tomorrow's world / Richard Denton & Martin Cook
At the sign of the swingin' cymbal / Brian Fahey
The Persuaders = Amicalement vôtre / John Barry
Guide path / Neil Richardson
Jungle fire dance / The Ivor And Basil Kirchin Band
Artful Dodger / Syd Dale
Canvas / Brian Bennett
The New Avengers theme = Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir / Laurie Johnson
Joe 90 / Barry Gray
Getting nowhere in a hurry / Roy Budd
Dawn to dusk / Simon Park
Light flight / Pentangle
Whole lotta love / C.C.S.