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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Inner city beat !


Inner city beat !

detective themes, spy music and imaginary thrillers
Publication - Editeur

2014 - PIAS

Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Product efficiency / Johnny Pearson
Danger musicians at work / Syd Dale
Heavy lead / Dave Richmond
Crossflow / Ernest Copley
The Ratcatchers / Tilsley Orchestral
Theme from New Scotland Yard / Norrie Paramor
Men of action / David Lindup
Sparks / Peter Reno & Barry Stoller
Ode to a stone / Reg Tilsley
Workshop / Johnny Hawksworth
On a bicycle made for three / Brass Incorporated
Conveyor belt / Johnny Hawksworth
Gotta getaway / Dave Richmond
Superformance / David Lindup
Police five / The International Studio Orchestra
Cross talk / Francis Coppieters
Funky chimes / Francis Coppieters
Come one, come all / Brass Incorporated
Fuel injection / Ernest Copley
High diplomacy / The International Studio Orchestra
Dynamic patterns / Ernest Copley
The Hell raisers / Syd Dale
Transit / Clive Hicks
Grand prix / Johnny Pearson