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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Relaxing spa


Relaxing spa

2 CDs of relaxing healing music
Publication - Editeur

2016 - PIAS

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Time and space / The Pulse Society
Reminisce / Gentle Moon
Rotation / Dream Orchestra
Blue moonbeams / Sereinty Boys
Destiny awaits / DJ Kasem
Nzeembo feta / The Coumba Collective
Ntu bwanga / Dakar Spirit
Doce vibracoes / Aldeberto E Felipe
Resting place / Brahma Singh
Ach ha / Lata Manasi
Kuba time / Papa Koffi
Falling star / Brahma Singh
Peace & love / Tranquil DJs
Golden wings / Dragon River
Time eternal / Phoenix Project
Zambesi crosing / Afrikoko
Chhah bandar / Devandra Project
Mauna ngundo / Nana Mfalme
Destination sunset / Mystic East
Real vibrations / Dream Orchestra
Wheel of fate / Serenity Boys
Touch the stars / DJ Kasem