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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Music Maker


Music Maker

relief foundation, the last & lost blues survivors
Publication - Editeur

2005 - Harmonia Mundi

Collection :
Music Maker
Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Hard luck & trouble / Marie Manning
Hello central / John Dee Holeman
Super woman / Jerry McCain
I saw that man / Cora Mae Bryant
Hambone / John Dee Holeman
Keep on grumblin' / Jack Owens
Buck dance / Algia Mae Hinton
Put on your red dress / Captain Luke & Cool John
Coffee drinkin' blues / Sweet Betty
Great day / Mother Pauline & EL. J. Goins
Wait 'till you come back again / Pura Fe'
Rise up Tuscarora nation / Pura Fe'
I know I have been changed / Branchettes
Tribute to Gabe / Sol
We 3 / Mr. Q
Talkin' about you baby / Neal Pattman
Savannah mamma / Mudcat
Widow woman / Drink Small
Feel like my time ain't long / Essie Mae Brooks
Ticket agent / Cora Mae Bryant
See that my grave is kept clean / Little Pink Anderson
Waiter / Captain Luke and Cool John
Last handloader / Carl Rutherford
Blues around my bed / Cootie Stark
Johnson boys / Etta Baker
Momma whoopin' blues / Neal Pattman
Long black Limousine / Carl Rutherford
My baby's gone / Algia Mar Hinton
Black Mattie / Sol
I shall not be moved / Preston Fulp
Railroadin' & gamblin' / Samuel Turner Stevens
Greasy greans / George Higgs
Flyin' high walkin' tall / Carl Rutherford
Came so far / Guitar Gabriel
Going home / Pura Fe'
Hospital blues / Guitar Gabriel
My baby's gone / Frank Edwards
Shortnin' bread / Neal Pattman