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Zoop zoop zoop


Zoop zoop zoop

traditional music and folklore of St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John
Publication - Editeur

1993 - Distrart

Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Cigar Win the Race / Sylvester McIntosh, Jamesy and the Happy
French Polka / Cold Goose Gang
Clear the Road / Marie Richards
Me Mother Had Tell Me / Ethel McIntosh and Maude Andreas
Lazzy Barry / Maude Andreas
One Bright Summer Morning / Beatrice Mapsey Johnson
Twenty Cents for the Pan Cover / Whim Handicapped Band
Carbay Man / Impromptu group of musicians
King George Play
Payne Dead
Spanish Retreat / Sylvester McIntosh
Polka Mazurka / Jamesy and the Happy Seven
Queen Mary / Schoolgirls
LaBega Carousel / James Brewster with Joe Parris Hot Shots
Crab and Garlin / Ethel McIntosh
Zoop Zoop Zoop / Maude Andreas, Jamesy and the Happy Seven
Seven Step
Tway She She / Gerda Benjamin
Boss Borine
Four White Horses on a Rainbow / Schoolgirls
Masqueraders : "The Devil" and "The Wild Indians"
Sly Mongoose / Sylvester McIntosh with Joe Parris Hot Shots
Mr. Moore
All Gone in the Lagoon Mouth / Ten Sleepless Knights
Matty Gru / Joe Parris Hot Shots
Baa, baa, hvide lam / Elisa Pedro
Mazurka / Jamesy and the Happy Seven
Ask Mr. Jackson / Evelyn Gordon
White Frock / Ethel McIntosh