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Sweetheart of the rodeo


Sweetheart of the rodeo

Publication - Editeur

2011 - Sony

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
One hundred years from now (master take - Gram Parsons vocal)
Life in prison (rehearsal version takes 1 & 2 - Gram Parsons vocal)
Life in prison (rehearsal version takes 3 & 4 - Gram Parsons vocal)
You don't miss your water
You ain't going nowhere
You're still on my mind (rehearsal version take 48 - Gram Parsons vocal)
Blue canadian Rockies
Lazy days (alternate version)
The Christian life
Pretty Polly
One hundred years from now (rehearsal version takes 12 & 13 - Gram Parsons vocal)
One hundred years from now
The Christian life (master take - Gram Parsons vocal)
Pretty boy Floyd
Luxury liner
You're still on my mind (rehearsal version take 13 - Gram Parsons vocal)
Sum up broke
Strong boy
Truck drivin' man
Hickory wind (alternate "Nashville" version - take 8)
Radio spot for "Sweetheart of the rodeo" album
Lazy days
The Christian life (rehearsal version take 7 - Gram Parsons vocal)
Hickory wind
Life in prison
Nothing was delivered
The Christian life (rehearsal version take 8 - Gram Parsons vocal)
One day week
You don't miss your water (master take - Gram Parsons vocal)
One hundred years from now (rehearsal version takes 14 & 15 - Gram Parsons vocal)
All I have are memories (master take - Kevin Kelley vocal)
I am a pilgrim
Blue eyes
You're still on my mind
Pretty Polly (alternate version)
All I have are memories (alternate instrumental take 21)
All I have are memories (alternate instrumental take 17)
Blue canadian Rockies (rehearsal version take 14)