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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Native american music


Native american music

bedrock traditions & innovations of the first people
Publication - Editeur

1999 - Harmonia Mundi

Collection :
Music Rough Guide
Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Zuni Sunrise Song / Chester Mahooty
Cherokee Morning Song / Walela
Sacred Wind / Sharon Burch
Healing Song / Primeaux & Mike
Cuatro Vidas Polka / Southern Scratch
Doazi Tumbi / Judy Trejo
Basket Dance / The Garcia Brothers
Cleft in the Sky / R. Carlos Nakai
White Buffalo / Robert Tree Cody & Rob Wallace
Are You Ready for W.O.R.? / Without Rezervation
Kiowa Hymn / Cornel Pewewardy & The Alliance West Singers
Tekanatsyaslitha / Joanne Shenandoah
Victory Song / Blackstone Singers
Mickey Mouse / Black Lodge Singers
Many Flags / R. Carlos Nakai & William Eaton
Native Funk / Burning Sky
Sacred Mask Dance / Ed Lee Natay
Wind Spirit / Bill Miller