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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Trying to find my baby


Trying to find my baby

twenty-five classic west coast blues tracks from the electric guitar pioneer
Publication - Editeur

2004 - Wagram

Collection :
Complete blues
Importance matérielle :
1 CD
I walked all night
Mama bring your clothes back home
Trying to find my baby
9.30 shuffle
Thinking blues
Wee hours in the morning
My baby
Demon woman
Blues and misery
Ain't nobody's business
Black widow spider blues
Three o'clock blues
Midnight showers of rain
So long, so long
Just a poor boy
(Sweet) Jenny Lee
Black cat blues
Everyday I have the blues
Cold hearted mama
Went to see my baby
Mean woman blues
My baby left me
My baby can't be found
My gal at eight
Rocking after midnight