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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée




roots & new for blues lovers
Publication - Editeur

2008 - Harmonia Mundi

Collection :
Roots & new
Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Hambone blues / Mighty Mo Rodgers
My baby loves me / Monster Mike Welch
World of blues / Duke Robillard
A Nickel and a nail / Fred Chapellier & Billy Price
Serve me right / Captain Luke & Cool John Ferguson
Hold the rain / Pura Fe'
Get onboard / Eric Bibb
Promised land / Pat The White
I was all wrong / Leadfoot Rivet
Slavery time blues / Rufus McKenzie
300 pounds shoes / David Gogo
Too damn funky / Tom Principato
Don't get trouble in your mind / Carolina Chocolate Drops
Stringmachine / Bjorn Berge
Entre deux / Beverly Jo Scott
Quand le soleil descend / Les Marvellous Pig Noise
Bama lama bama loo / Little Bob
Ol' man river / Leon Bibb
Samson & Delilah / Marie Knight
Bad rose tatoo / Neal Black
No more cane on the brazos / Eric Bibb
Ain't no need / Nico Wayne Toussaint
People you love (clip vidéo) / Pura Fe' & Eric Bibb
The Right string but the wrong yoyo / Beverly Guitar Watkins
Now long can she last / Webb Wilder
Moving / Point Blank
I don't know nothin' bout love / Bill Perry
Baby please don't go / Jean Chartron
A Good fool is hard to find / Tommy Castro & Coco Montoya
Guitar on parade / Arthur Neilson
My wish / Larry Crockett
Le Blues du bébé heureux / Patrick Verbeke
See that my grave is kept clean / Gashouse Dave
You can't stop love / Popa Chubby
Sally likes to run (clip vidéo) / Popa Chubby
One piece at a time / Big Ed Sullivan
I don't live today / Popa Chubby