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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

The Very best of The Jacksons


The Very best of The Jacksons

Publication - Editeur

2004 - Sony

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
I want you back
The Love you save
I'll be there
Mama's pearl
Never can say goodbye
Sugar daddy
Dancing machine
Lookin' through the windows
Doctor my eyes
Ain't no sunshine
Got to be there
Rockin' Robin
One day in your life
Farewell my summer love
Can you feel it
Blame it on the boogie
Enjoy yourself
Show you the way to go
Even though you're gone
Goin' places
Shake your body (down to the ground)
Lovely one
This place hotel
Walk right now
State of shock / with Mick Jagger
2300 Jackson street
Nothin' (that compares 2 U)
Don't stop 'til you get enough (live 1981)