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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

The Best of the blues


The Best of the blues

Publication - Editeur

2002 - EMI

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Walking by myself
Oh pretty woman / feat Albert King
Still got the blues (full version)
Separate ways
Since I met you baby / feat BB King
Story of the blues (single edit)
All your love
Too tired / feat Albert Collins
Need your love so bad (single edit)
Midnight blues
King of the blues
Jumpin' at shadows
Texas strut
Moving on
Stop messin' around
Parisienne walkways -'93
The Supernatural
Caldonia (live) / feat Albert Collins & Albert King
You don't love me (live)
Key to love (live)
The Thrill is gone (live) / feat BB KIng
Stormy monday (live) / feat Albert King
Cold, cold feeling (live) / feat Albert Collins
Further up the road (live) / feat Albert Collins
The Stumble (live)
Oh pretty woman (live)
Walking by myself (live)
Too tired (live) / feat Albert Collins
Still got the blues (live)
All your love (live)
Midnight blues (live)