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From blues to gospel


From blues to gospel

Publication - Editeur

2005 - Socadisc

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
My man and I
This train
Sit down
Trouble in mind
Shout, sister, shout !
Rock me
Nobody's fault but mine
I want a tall skinny papa
God don't like it
What is the soul of man ?
Singing in my soul
Strange things happening every day
Two little fishes and five loaves of bread
Didn't it rain
The Natural facts
Down by the riverside
Up above my head I hear music in the air
Precious memories
Come by here
Ain't no room in the church for liars
Last mile of the way
Peace in the valley
Precious Lord
Walking up the King's highway
What are they doing in Heaven ?
Savior don't pass me by
I saw the light
Nothing between
Shine for Jesus
Never alone
The Family prayer
Blow ye the trumpet
God lead us along
Oh, the joy came to me
Seeking for you
I do, don't you ?
He's the lily of the valley
God's mighty hand
The Lord follow me
Oh, when I come to the end of my journey
Stretch out
Beams of Heaven
My journey to the sky
Teach me to be right
I heard my mother call my name
Heaven is not my home
Ain't no grave hold my body down
Lay down your soul
Were you there when they crucified my Lord ?