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Party animals & disco biscuits


Party animals & disco biscuits

Publication - Editeur

2008 - PIAS

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Oh Lord !
The Specialist (Ed Royal & Enne remix)
Pretty boy floyd (Agents Of Desire remix by Tim Saul)
Pretty boy floyd (Erik Sumo in the rain rework)
Motorcycle angels (Sistema Local desert bandits disco version)
The Specialist
Hijack blues #9 (Peder & Asger Baden remix)
Pretty boy floyd
Love is all around (Kabanjak remix)
Confessions (Parov Stelar remix)
Theme from The Graffiti artist
Love is all around
Hijack blues #9
The Time of our lives (Jon Kennedy demonic remix)
The Time of our lives
Motorcycle angels
Oh Lord ! (A Sacred blowout remixed by Erik Jannson)