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63 irish songs nos. 4-29 WoO 152 & nos. 30-32 WoO 153

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63 irish songs nos. 4-29 WoO 152 & nos. 30-32 WoO 153

Publication - Editeur

2019 - Warner

Collection :
; 75
Beethoven : the complete works
Importance matérielle :
1 CD
From Garyone, my happy home. WoO 152. Nº 22. Deuxième version
Hos boat comes on the sunny tide. WoO 152. Nº 7
O harp of Erin. WoO 152. Nº 25
The Traugh welcome. WoO 152. Nº 24
From Garyone, my happy home. WoO 152. Nº 22. Première version
On the massacre of Glencoe. WoO 152. Nº 5
What shall I do to shew how much I love her ?. WoO 152. Nº 6
In vain to this desert my fate I deplore. WoO 152. Nº 17
Come draw we round a cheerful ring. WoO 152. Nº 8
Let brain-spinning swains. WoO 152. Nº 15
Since greybeards inform us that youth will decay. WoO 152. Nº 29
No riches from his scanty store. WoO 152. Nº 27
I dream'd I lay where flow'rs were springing. WoO 153. Nº 30
Our bugles sung truce (or The Soldier's dream). WoO 152. Nº 9
Wife, children and friends. WoO 152. Nº 19
The British light dragoons. WoO 152. Nº 28
They bid me slight my Dermot dear. WoO 152. Nº 18
The Deserter. WoO 152. Nº 10
Farewell blis and farewell Nancy. WoO 152. Nº 20
When eve's last rays in twilight die. WoO 152. Nº 26
The Hero may perish. WoO 153. Nº 31
Dermot and Shelah. WoO 152. Nº 14
Hide not thy anguish. WoO 152. Nº 16
Sad and luckless was the season. WoO 153. Nº 32
English bulls (or The Irishman in London). WoO 152. Nº 12
Musing on the roaring ocean. WoO 152. Nº 13
Morning a cruel turmoiler is. WoO 152. Nº 21
A wand'ring gypsy, Sirs, am I. WoO 152. Nº 23
Thou emblem of faith (upon returning a ring). WoO 152. Nº 11
The Morning air plays on my face. . WoO 152. Nº 4