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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

Off the wall


Off the wall

special edition
Publication - Editeur

2001 - Sony

Importance matérielle :
1 CD
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Rock with you
Workin' day and night
Get on the floor
Off the wall
She's out of my life
I can't help it
It's the falling in love
Burn this disco out
Don't stop 'til you get enough (original demo from 1978)
Workin' day and night (original demo form 1978)
[Interview de Quincy Jones (producteur) et de Rod Temperton (compositeur)]
Burn this disco out
Off the wall
Workin' day and night
Get on the floor
I can't help it
Don't stop 'til you get enough (original demo from 1978)
It's the falling in love
She's out of my life
Rock with you
Workin' day and night (original demo form 1978)
Don't stop 'til you get enough