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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée

The Alligator records


The Alligator records

20th anniversary collection
Publication - Editeur

1991 - Socadisc

Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Going back home / Son Seals
You don't know what love is / Fenton Robinson
No cuttin' loose / James Cotton
I've got dreams to remember / Delbert McClinton
Crow Jane / Sonny Terry
Full moon on main street / The Kinsey Report
I'm the zydeco man / Clifton Chenier
Trouble in mind / Big Walter Horton
If I hadn't been high / Detroit Junior
Double eyed whammy / Tinsley Ellis
Pussycat moan / Katie Webster
Boot hill / Johnny Winter
Black cat bone / Albert Collins & Johnny Copeland
Serves me right to suffer / Jimmy Johnson
I'm free / Lucky Peterson
Born in Louisiana / Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
Drowning on dry land / Roy Buchanan
Big chief / Professor Longhair
That's why I'm crying / Koko Taylor
Blues after hours / Pinetop Perkins
Leaving your town / Charlie Musselwhite
Give me back my wig / Hound Dog Taylor
Strike like lightning / Lonnie Macl
These blues is killing me / A.C. Reed & Stevie Ray Vaughan
You don't exist any more / Lil' Ed & The Blues Imperials
Look but don't touch / Kenny Neal
300 pounds of heavenly joy / Big Twist & The Mellow Fellows
Rain / Little Charlie & The Nightcats
Second hand man / Carey Bell & Junior Wells
The Middle aged blues boogie / Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women
Fannie Mae / Elvin Bishop
Going down to Big Mary's / The Paladins
Eyeballin' / Lonnie Brooks
Brick / Albert Collins
Leavin' / The Siegel-Schwall Band