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Retrouvez nous au festival Mots & Images le samedi 22 mars à Ligéria. La médiathèque ludothèque sera, donc, exceptionnellement fermée




a fine selection of independent disco, modern soul and boogie 1978-82
Série :
Publication - Editeur

2014 - PIAS

Collection :
Importance matérielle :
2 CD
Sweet lady (dance with me) / Chain Reaction
Disco madness / Sparkle
When your Jones come down / Sugar Bear Johnson
Fast Freddie the roller disco king / The Imperials
Trinidad (special disco mix) / John Gibbs & U.S. Steel Orchestra
Sexy lady / Something Extra
Wave / Cordial
Hooked on your love (John Morales mix) / The Fantastic Aleems feat Calebur
Get up (Let's rock) / Stwange Poweple
You know what I like / Sympho-State
That's hot / Jessie G
Turn this disco out / Cirt Gill & The Jam-A-Ditty Band
The River drive / Jupiter Beyond
Skateboard / Chemistry
The Easton assassin / The Sunburst Band
Superfunk / Superfunk
Dance to the beat freakout / Wayne Ford
My man is on his way / Retta Young
Movin' to the beat / The Fantastic Aleems feat Corky Hodges